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Endpoint Layer: Fortify your digital perimeters with our tailored cybersecurity solutions, securing endpoints and devices to create a resilient defense against evolving cyber threats.

An endpoint is a device such as Laptops, desktops, mobile phones, tablets, printers, or other wireless devices, servers, and virtual environments. 


The Problem


All these endpoints are vulnerable to a cyberattack and could easily serve as an entry point for unauthorised users.  Cybercriminals are constantly devising new ways to take advantage of employees, infiltrate networks, and steal private information.


Securing endpoints is critical to ensure cyber threats such as malware, phishing attacks, and ransomware are not able to comprise systems through these endpoints.  Without protection in place, businesses of all sizes could lose access to their valuable data, risking the very survival of their business, costly downtime, and the allocation of resources to remediating issues over critical business goals.


The Solution


Endpoint security – cybersecurity services for network endpoints.  These services or components may include antivirus, email filtering, web filtering, and firewall services.  Endpoint security plays a crucial role for businesses, ensuring critical systems, intellectual property, customer data, employees, and guests are protected from all attacks.  By having layers of endpoint protection such as Webroot Endpoint and DNS Protection, ensures devices will have a more holistic, in-depth protection that covers different security bases and vulnerabilities. 


Layered endpoint protection may also consist of a comprehensive, automatic backup solution such as Carbonite from OpenText for all your endpoint devices and the data that resides on them.

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