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Specops, a valuable addition to CyberHub Africa's portfolio, delivers cutting-edge identity and access management solutions, enabling organizations to enhance security and streamline user authentication processes with innovative technologies.
Specops Passwod Policy
Specops Password Policy

Password Policy

Block common and vulnerable passwords without compromising the user experience.

Eliminate weak and leaked passwords from your environment.

  • Block over 3 billion compromised passwords

  • Create compliant password policies

  • Target password entropy

  • Display real-time feedback during password change

Enforce Stronger Passwords and customize a password dictionary list.

​Get serious about password security. Enforce compliance requirements, block compromised passwords, and help users create stronger passwords in Active Directory with dynamic, informative client feedback. Specops Password Policy extends the functionality of Group Policy, and simplifies the management of fine-grained password policies. The solution can target any GPO level, group, user, or computer with dictionary and passphrase settings.

Do your clients need to comply with industry regulations?  With Specops Password Policy you can manage their password security across your organization simply and effectively!

Specops uReset

Want to make it easier for people to unlock and reset their passwords while increasing security?  Contact us to see how uReset can work for your team.

Self-service Password Reset

Reduce your help-deck's password-reset calls

Password rest of accounts is probably one of the highest number of tickets helpdesk staff deal with.  As a managed service provider, you need to ensure credentials are secure and enforce password management best practices to defend against password attacks which could exploit their clients.

  • Use MFA for password resets

  • Secure helpdesk user verification

  • Store user data in Active Directory

  • Updates the local cached credentials for remote users

Specops Self-service Password Reset
Minimize loss of productivity from locked accounts and forgotten passwords.

It happens all the time—an employee forgets their password. 


This self-service password reset software allows organizations to greatly reduce expensive password reset calls to the IT service desk. The solution enables users to securely reset their Active Directory passwords themselves, and update their local cached credentials, even when they are off VPN.


End-users can initiate the password reset process right from the Windows logon screen on their workstations, and get helpful feedback to meet the password policy requirements. With security features like multi-factor authentication, trusted network locations, and geo-blocking, our password reset solution is consistent with the high level of security you expect.

Specops Secure Service Desk
Specops Secure Service Desk

Secure Service Desk

Password resets continue to drive a big volume of the service desk tickets. 

48% of organisations do not have user verification in place for calls to the service desk.

  • Authenticate users at the service desk to prevent social engineering attacks.

  • Manage user enrollments.

  • Reset Active Directory passwords.

  • Recovery encryption keys for lockouts triggered by BitLocker or Symantec Endpoint Encryption.

Can your service desk verify that a user is really who they say they are before resetting their password, and granting them access to an account?

Password reset tickets at the service desk are a great vulnerability for hackers to exploit. In the absence of a self-service password reset solution to direct users to, it is up to the service desk agent to verify that the caller is the owner of the account, before issuing a new password.


Secure Service Desk is a tool that enables organizations to enforce secure user verification at the service desk. Use the tool to reduce your social engineering vulnerability, and support your greater IT security infrastructure.  

Interested in seeing how Specops Secure Service Desk can work for you?  Contact us to set up a demo or trial today


Secure your remote workforce. Using new data from the Specops Breached Password Protection list, now with 3 billion+ unique compromised passwords, we compiled a list of passwords that are being used in live attacks of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) over TCP port 3389.

Strengthen Your Overall IT Security

Take a peek into Specops, set up a demo or request a free trial

Specops Distributor
for African
IT Channel 

Specops Software is the leading provider of password management and authentication solutions.


Specops protects your business data by blocking weak passwords and securing user authentication. With a complete portfolio of solutions natively integrated with Active Directory, Specops ensures sensitive data is stored on-premises and in your control.


Specops Software was founded in 2001 and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden with additional offices in the US, Canada, the UK, and Germany.

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